Thursday, 24 April 2014

Focus Group

For our focus group we emailed a variety of people who we think would suit our target audience. We got them to fill in a table full of different questions which would require them to make positive or negative feedback. We aimed to get around 10-15 collated responses in order to take this action on and to make improvements. We got a mix results of both positive and negative feedback, where as a group we looked for more criticism to make our final draft the best we can. As a group we will come together and we will discuss sections of the film such as camera work, mise-en-scene, sound and editing and overall we will look to make overall improvements.


From our focus group we got positive feedback. One of the positives we got from an overall perspective is the editing of the film. Everyone on a general basis though the editing was all put together very well. The sequences linked from one after the other. Also another positive response we got was the camera angles. The interchanging shots between the actor and the young boy reflected the idea of flashbacks.Our focus group liked the focus of the actor, where the use of close ups, eye line matches and establishing shots were very effective. Another positive response from the focus group was the use of casting. One thing which stood out was the similar looks of the young boy and the adult. The similar looks makes this opening sequence more realistic.


Even though we gained positive points from the opening sequences there was a variety of negative feedback. One of the negative points which we collated was the meaning from the focus group. Many of the focus group members were unsure of the meaning of the opening sequence and found it difficult to interpret the situation. However, as a group we want the audience to gain a sense of the meaning of the film but we don't want too give too much away. We want too make sure we limit the amount of information we present to audiences. Another negative we collated from the focus group was the sound. The voice over for the tap was responded as unrealistic, with the dripping of the tap not being played along with the timing. Also another negative was the soundtrack that plays along with the opening sequence. A lot of the focus group thought the music didn't interact with the scenes. Also the scream at the end is another thing we look to take out of the opening sequence, where lot of people felt this was distracting and others felt the heartbeat echoing towards the end would be much more effective. The only problem which was linked to editing is the reoccurring sounds that pop up from the editing software 'Final Cut'. We had to explain the problem to the focus group and as a group we hope to look to deal with this problem. The title of the movie was also questioned. From one of the collated responses we found that the title of the movie is too basic. As a group we will rethink this situation but we think it's an appropriate title.

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